this site is purely for my rantings
i post randomly sometimes, just FYI.
i'd rather you not comment if you don't know me, unless you have something uber nice to say. :]
simple note
kogepan - supposedly a high quality red bean bun..
but ends up getting overbaked.
click on one of the X thingies to navigate :]
02 June 2006
i got a cut when i was walking in the door. there was this guy that was standing in the doorway and he barely moved for me to go in, so the little place where the lock locks scratched me and some of my skin got all icky and came off. why do i always have bad luck, eh? i get hurt all the fricken time. i'm kinda tired of it, but i guess it's my fault. i'm really clumsy and i guess there's consequences for that. i can't help but be clumsy though, ya know? aiyy it sucks so much. i have scratches and bruises all over my leg and i don't know where any of them came from.. except for one.. where scissors dropped on me and cut me. that didn't hurt though. weird, isn't it?
PLAN B... was in activation. now our "bait" dude isn't doing anything which sucks oh so very much. i can't wait til .. dana dana dana... PLAN H!! it'd be pretty darn cool if you ask me.
8:22 AM